

Catch up with your panty kickers who have been in Covid toilet swirl for the last 9 months. We have missed being here for you (& for each other too!). Stay tuned for some catch up episodes and for a WHOLE NEW SEASON coming out on March 8th, 2021!

*Thanksgiving Break!* Re-air of Friend Shedding

We are airing a classic episode of Kick in the Panties on when and how to shed cumbersome or negative friendships (we thought this might come in handy this “friends”-giving)!

Original Excerpt: “When is it okay to say goodbye to an old friend? Many times our lives lead us in different directions, no shame in owning your path and moving forward with the friendships that make sense for who you are today. Our friendships shape our lives, and as free time dwindles, it’s important to keep our true friends close and our frenemies across the street.”

Being Happy for Others

The Panty Kickers investigate how one can truly become happy for others. You may see this coming, but it starts with your happiness with yourself.

Q&A 12 – Jordan’s Jealousy

Jordan writes in to the Panty Kickers with a question about how to get closer to her female friends when her jealousy and resentment is keeping her from connecting.

Friend Shedding

When is it okay to say goodbye to an old friend? Many times our lives lead us in different directions, no shame in owning your path and moving forward with the friendships that make sense for who you are today. Our friendships shape our lives, and as free time dwindles, it’s important to keep our true friends close and our frenemies across the street.

Q&A 11 – (Our very own) Carolyn needs a kick in the panties!

Our very own Carolyn needs a Kick in the Panties to get her amazing youtube channel “C, The Girl’s Girl” back on track!

Finding Focus

The Panty Kickers talk about how to focus in on what matters to you in the grand scheme of your life, and how to maintain a dedicated focus on the specific improvements you are trying to make.


The Panty Kickers talk about one of the biggest bads in all of our lives – OVERWHELM! This beast comes for all of us and in this day and age you need to be crafty if you’re going to escape his wrath.

Q&A 7 – Are women better at multitasking than men?

The Panty Kicker have a new question to tackle thanks to Sharee who writes: “Is it easier for women to multitask than men?”