Month: April 2019

Finding Focus

The Panty Kickers talk about how to focus in on what matters to you in the grand scheme of your life, and how to maintain a dedicated focus on the specific improvements you are trying to make.

Q&A 8 – How/Why/When to Have (or Not Have) Children

The Panty Kickers take a break from straightforward advice to reflect a little on a huge part of (and distraction from!) their adult lives: their children.


The Panty Kickers talk about one of the biggest bads in all of our lives – OVERWHELM! This beast comes for all of us and in this day and age you need to be crafty if you’re going to escape his wrath.

Q&A 7 – Are women better at multitasking than men?

The Panty Kicker have a new question to tackle thanks to Sharee who writes: “Is it easier for women to multitask than men?”

AM/PM Rituals

The Panty Kickers believe that by automating some tasks in your daily life you can free up space to be creative about solving the problem of, “how do I…?”. Let them help you fill in the blanks by adding structure around the wiggly parts of the day that can start to own you.