Finding Focus

The Panty Kickers talk about how to focus in on what matters to you in the grand scheme of your life, and how to maintain a dedicated focus on the specific improvements you are trying to make.

Carolyn says:

  1. What you focus on you create more of – decide where you want to focus your best efforts.
  2. When you focus on others you can’t be fulfilled with yourself.
  3. Write down three things you want to focus on and examine what you’re focused on now.

Becca says:

  1. Dedicate time to your focus – block out at least 2-3 hours to be sure you get in the flow of your effort.
  2. Mediation (sitting quietly, focusing on your breath and body) can help you use the new calm inside to push forward outside goals.
  3. Doing nothing leads to doing something. Let silence be around you so you can hear your inner voice.

Homework:  Sit quietly and write down three areas of your life (or specific goals) you want to focus on. This week, every time you are driving by yourself let it be quiet in the car so you can hear yourself and try to gear your thoughts toward your new focuses.

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See you next week for Q&A “How can I beat procrastination?”

XO Panty Kickers