Act As If!

Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

In episode 5 we looked closely at our good, bad, best and worst habits and how they relate to our ability to achieve our established goals and this week we talk about how to talk that talk til you’re walking that walk. Sometimes a little belief in what you can do or who you can become is really all you need to level UP!

Carolyn says:

  1. Think about who you want to be and ask yourself would that person keep the habits you keep? Eat the food you eat? Do the drugs you do? Make time for the “friends” you hang with? If the answer is no then… you know what you gotta do.
  2. It should be feeling good to grow into the person you want to be, if it feels bad then maybe you’re on the wrong path.
  3. Don’t be afraid to believe in what you can achieve, it may sounds corny, but becoming your biggest fan is powerful!

Becca says:

  1. Focus on who you are (or who you want to be) not what you do.
  2. Share your plans with others, it will motivate you to get positive feedback!
  3. Refer to yourself as what you want to be, don’t say, “I’m a person who plays music,” try, “I’m a musician”. Fake it til you make it.


  1. “See It When You Believe It”, by Wayne Dyer
  2. “The Success Principles”, by Jack Canfield

CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions. Support: Meetup groups, family to commit to watching Chase a couple times a week, Books about how to research effectively. Good habit to instill, getting up at 5:30am and putting clothes on in an effort to start the day.

BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money. Support: Piano teacher & Emile to watch kids for 30 minutes. Good habit to instill: Taking a break from working when getting overwhelmed and take that time to do the meditative practice of piano playing.

HOMEWORK: Imagine a day in the life of the person you want to be. Is there something that this person does, eats, reads, practices, enjoys, that you can add to your life this week? Do it!

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for episode 7 of Season Three, Maintenance and Getting Back on the Ole’ Goal Horse