Women 4 Women

Getting Back on the Horse

In episode 6 The Panty Kickers talked about how to talk that talk til you’re walking that walk. Sometimes a little belief in what you can do or who you can become is really all you need to level UP! This week is all about what to do when you fall off and how to get back to getting to it.

Supporting Characters

This week the Panty Kickers talk about asking for help and tips for finding the folks that are going to assist you in achieving your big goals.

Season Three, Clarity

Season Three of Kick in the Panties starts with Clarity, a primer on how to get clear on what to focus on to move yourself down the road to happiness and fulfillment.

Season 3 Sneaky Sneak Preview!

There is a WHOLE NEW SEASON of Kick in the Panties coming out on March 8th, 2021! Listen in to see what is to come in the new season and to hear what’s happening with your favorite Panty Kickers. There’s no time like the present to start kicking your life’s ass!


Catch up with your panty kickers who have been in Covid toilet swirl for the last 9 months. We have missed being here for you (& for each other too!). Stay tuned for some catch up episodes and for a WHOLE NEW SEASON coming out on March 8th, 2021!

Q&A 24 – How Do I Unlearn Monogamy?

The Panty Kickers help Brit with some useful tips on how to find her way in the world of non-monogamy.

*Thanksgiving Break!* Re-air of Friend Shedding

We are airing a classic episode of Kick in the Panties on when and how to shed cumbersome or negative friendships (we thought this might come in handy this “friends”-giving)!

Original Excerpt: “When is it okay to say goodbye to an old friend? Many times our lives lead us in different directions, no shame in owning your path and moving forward with the friendships that make sense for who you are today. Our friendships shape our lives, and as free time dwindles, it’s important to keep our true friends close and our frenemies across the street.”

Q&A 17 – The Panty Kickers’ Bona Fides

The Panty Kickers reassure listeners by listing their credentials and letting you all in on the inner secret wisdom of the kickers of panties.