Season Three, Clarity

Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

We will be working alongside you this season to achieve some BIG things. But how do I start, you might say? What kind of goal should I begin with? Start today, by getting clarity and trying to figure out, hence the name of this first episode!

Carolyn says:

  1. Start by getting quiet and introspective about what you’d like to do.
  2. Your purpose is being happy! Think about what makes you feel alive.
  3. If you feel a void in your life, you may be tempted to fill it with TV, junk food, toxic friends, booze, and drugs.

Becca says:

  1. Use the Myers Briggs test to find out more about your personality and what activities, jobs, and hobbies are going to appeal to your personality.
  2. Sit quietly, unplug, turn off the TV – and listen to what you are saying to yourself.
  3. Imagine an ideal day in your life and create a goal to get you closer to that this year.


  • Do What You Are – Tieger & Barron
  • The Passion Test – Chris Attwood & Janet Bray Attwood
  • Head Space (app), Calm (app)
  • Myers Briggs –,

HOMEWORK: Do the Passion Test. Use the prompt, “I am happiest when I’m…” to create 15 observations about your life. When that’s done order your results by comparing 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, using the prompt, “Am I happier when I #1, or am I happier when I #2?” Move the one that makes you happier up on the list and compare it to the next one. Work your whole list this way. When you have your top 5, decide which of them you’re going to orient your big goal towards and bring that to the next episode.

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for episode 2 of Season Three, Ready, Set, Goal!