Ready, Set, GOAL!

Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

In episode 1 we talked about how to survey your life to see where something could be added to improve your life and add a little more happiness to your day to day. In today’s episode we talk about what to do once you’ve decided what to do! How do you chunk big goals into smaller, manageable pieces and then go about the first step to checking off that to-do list? Listen up to find out.

Carolyn says:

  1. Any goal will do, don’t obsess about
  2. Be sure to use SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound. Don’t be too general!
  3. Big goals feel scary, but small goals should feel exciting!

Becca says:

  1. Just having the balls (or ovaries!) just to SAY you are going to do something is the first step.
  2. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, move on to the next thing when it’s good enough! It’s more important to begin and learn than to be the best on day 1.
  3. If your goal is work related, Get 1 person to pay you for your services (or let you use them for free :)). After that the ball will roll for you.

CAROL’S GOAL: Complete a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”

BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano


  • SMART Goals
  • The Passion Test – Chris Attwood & Janet Bray Attwood

HOMEWORK: Take your big goal and on the left side of a piece of paper write down every thing that would need to happen for you to achieve that goal. The smaller and more specific the steps are the better.

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for episode 3 of Season Three, Removing Obstacles