Overcoming Obstacles

Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

In episode 2 we talked about what to do once you’ve decided what to do and how you chunk big goals into smaller, manageable pieces and then go about the first step to checking off that to-do list. Today we talk about REAL and IMAGINED obstacles that get in the way of achieving our goals, and how to kick them in the panties! Listen up to find out how to remove those pesky obstacles.

Carolyn says:

  1. Sometimes, when you chunk out your goals you find that you have to create a new goal!
  2. Don’t be afraid to get out of your own way. Anytime you push out of your comfort zone you’re going to have attacking thoughts, if you expect them then you can conquer them.
  3. Put barriers in place to limit distractions like putting the TV remote in a very hard to reach place.

Becca says:

  1. If you think you need money or time, use journaling to see where you can eek out some extra hours or $$$.
  2. Don’t worry about being good, just focus on what you enjoy!
  3. Battling against your limiting beliefs is a life long adventure, keep at it and you’ll continue to improve your self confidence.

CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions

BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money


  • MINT or YNAB for budgeting
  • Limitless by Jim Quick
  • 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • A resource on time journaling: https://zapier.com/blog/productivity-journal/
  • Morning Pages (The Artists Way by Julia Cameron)

HOMEWORK: Last week you took your big goal and on the left side of a piece of paper you wrote down every thing that would need to happen for you to achieve that goal. This week, you will order those steps and choose the place where you are going to start. Once you’ve selected the first step, on the right side of the paper you will write down every obstacle to getting that done. If the obstacle is REAL, then circle it and employ one the strategies mentioned today to jump over this hurdle (perhaps you need to make this your new goal, in which case get a new piece of paper and start over!). If the obstacle is IMAGINED then strike through it and write the opposite. Example: “I’m too dumb to go to pharmacy school” becomes, “I am smart enough to go to Pharmacy school”.

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for episode 4 of Season Three, Supporting Characters