Q&A 9 – Why do we procrastinate?

SHOW NOTES – Q&A 8, Season 1
Taylor writes: “Not a question, I guess, but I read this article this week and found it super interesting and relevant to something you two might talk about. I’m always looking for ways to fight procrastination, and learning some of the brain mechanics behind it is helpful.” We agree, thanks Taylor!

The article says:

  1. We procrastinate because we have unpleasant emotional ties to the work in question.
  2. Procrastination gives the immediate pleasure of achievement but can lead to long term negative effects like depression, anxiety and feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness.
  3. We are present-minded beings who don’t necessarily feel connected to what’s “best” for our future selves.
  4. A dangerous cycle exists where we procrastinate because we have anxiety and then feel terrible about procrastinating which leads to more anxiety which leads of course, to more procrastination. Can be addicting!

Carolyn says:

  1. Having so much free time can be paralyzing. Having the time to actually tackle a big project and not being able to do it may mean there are emotional blocks at play.
  2. Meditating can help to bring focus when you feel overwhelmed by too much time.
  3. Forgive yourself and move on weightlessly when you make a misstep, holding onto bad feelings about who you are only leads to more of the same.

Becca says:

  1. Creating a life where there is very little free time can be an ultimate level procrastination tool.
  2. You need time to reflect and process to see what the next steps are.
  3. It can feel great momentarily to conquer ANY tasks, but long term it feels terrible to not make headway on what’s important (and scary because of the importance!) to you.

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See you next week for a really exciting Episode 10 on Dayjob VS Dreamjob

xoxo Carolyn and Becca