The Panty Kickers talk about one of the biggest bads in all of our lives – OVERWHELM! This beast comes for all of us and in this day and age of technology you need to be crafty if you’re going to escape his wrath.

Carolyn says:

  1. Delegate. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Friends and family are here for you. Ask for someone to step in, or make a trade with other people who need help and pool your resources.
  2. Outsource. What can you give up to make room for the funds to pay others to do what you’re terrible at or hate?
  3. Write down your tasks and how long it takes to do each one so you can get a bird’s eye view of your time commitments.
  4. Eventually the non-urgent tasks will become urgent so prioritize them now.
  5. Try 10 minute clean ups, staying on top of the little stuff can help you feel more in control.

Becca says:

  1. Enlist a professional. It can be worth it to invest in some consulting to figure out where you are being inefficient.
  2. Keep a list of not urgent/important things you have going on and pick a time (2-3 hours) on a Saturday once or twice a month where you can knock those things out.
  3. Schedule time for yourself just like you schedule things for work. Make yourself a priority.

BOOK MENTION: 168 Hours, You Have More Time Than You Think – by Laura Vanderkam

Homework:  Create an Eisenhower Matrix of your own, separating your tasks into the four quadrants: urgent/important, urgent/not important, not urgent/important, and not urgent/not important and then resolve yourself to just not do the not urgent/not important tasks.

BREAKING NEWS: We wrote a post on Facebook! Check it out: facebook.com/KITPpodcast

See you next week for Q&A “How did you decide to have children” and more! Please don’t forget to write in with your questions.

XO Panty Kickers