Month: June 2019

Past Lovers & Baggage

This week the Panty Kickers are talking about the ever-unpopular EX and how the things they said about us, did against us, or thought about us become part of our personal narrative and over-all vision of who we are and what we can become.

Q&A 12 – Jordan’s Jealousy

Jordan writes in to the Panty Kickers with a question about how to get closer to her female friends when her jealousy and resentment is keeping her from connecting.

Friend Shedding

When is it okay to say goodbye to an old friend? Many times our lives lead us in different directions, no shame in owning your path and moving forward with the friendships that make sense for who you are today. Our friendships shape our lives, and as free time dwindles, it’s important to keep our true friends close and our frenemies across the street.

Q&A 11 – (Our very own) Carolyn needs a kick in the panties!

Our very own Carolyn needs a Kick in the Panties to get her amazing youtube channel “C, The Girl’s Girl” back on track!