Q&A How do I get out of a rut?

SHOW NOTES – Q&A 5, Season 1
Dear Panty Kickers, help me get out of this annoying rut!

Carolyn says:

  1. Force yourself to listen to happy music, dance around and be silly.
  2. Don’t let yourself wallow in shit TV or junk food for too long.
  3. Write some morning pages, 3 pages of long hand writing right from your brain to the page.

Becca says:

  1. Listen or read things you find inspirational.
  2. Take a run or a walk outside, get some fresh air, change your scenery.
  3. Eat some food you enjoy, something fun and joyful like an ice cream or something healthy for your bod like a salad.
  4. Get some ZZZzzzZZZZZzzzzs!


A straight OG self-help classic – The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

BREAKING NEWS: We would LOVE to answer your questions!  Please DM us on FB or use the “write to us” button on our website, kickinthepanties.com


See you next week for a continued talk on how our inside world effects our outside world on Episode 6:  Inside world VS outside world

xoxo Carolyn and Becca