What does it mean to “eat healthy”?

SHOW NOTES – Episode 5, Season 1 – Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is not just for losing weight, your body is your temple and it deserves reverence and respect. When you eat better you have better energy, positivity, and power!

Ten easy ways to move toward healthier eating:

1. Stop eating so much fucking bread.  If, like Oprah, you love bread- try having a little bit at the end of the meal- and god forbid don’t eat bread with pasta.  

2.  Stop drinking your calories.

3.  Stop eating weird processed foods – if it has more than 5 ingredients, it’s junk food no matter what it says on the package.  Eat food in its normal form.  

4.  Avoid eating fast food (fried food).

5.  Don’t carbo load at breakfast.

6.  Focus on LEAN protein and fiber.

7.  Listen. To. Your. Body. (And belly) (and butt)

8.  Stop eating in front of a screen, be mindful.

9.  Move your body.

10.  Drink water!

BLOG Mention!:

Cookie and Kate: Great vegetarian cooking inspiration

Smitten Kitchen: Great all kinds of recipes but tons under the vegetarian tab

Homework: Use an app (we like My Fitness Pal) to track everything you eat for 3 days in a row and face the truth about what you’re really putting in your body.

BREAKING NEWS: Please visit us on facebook and submit your questions for the next Q&A – facebook.com/KITPpodcast

See you next week for Q&A “What can you do to get out of a rut?”, and on March 18th for our next full length episode: How your inside world effects your outside world.

XO Panty Kickers (Happy Mardi Gras!)