Managing Your Expectations

This week the Panty Kickers talk about how to manage expectations, for yourself and those who matter most to you. Too high?? Too low?? Let’s aim for juuuuustt right.

Can You Change Someone?

We talk so much about changing ourselves, but can we use this same drive and energy to change someone else?

Good Connection, Bad Anything Else

When you connect with someone immediately you can feel like you trust them completely, but do you REALLY know who they are? The Panty Kickers dig into immediate connections, and how to not let a steamy or strong connection derail you from finding viable long term love.

*Thanksgiving Break!* Re-air of Friend Shedding

We are airing a classic episode of Kick in the Panties on when and how to shed cumbersome or negative friendships (we thought this might come in handy this “friends”-giving)!

Original Excerpt: “When is it okay to say goodbye to an old friend? Many times our lives lead us in different directions, no shame in owning your path and moving forward with the friendships that make sense for who you are today. Our friendships shape our lives, and as free time dwindles, it’s important to keep our true friends close and our frenemies across the street.”

Resolving Past Hurts

Are you dragging heavy emotional baggage into all of your relationships, including the one with yourself? The Panty Kickers are to here to give you some great advice on how to resolve past pain and move toward a brighter future of acceptance.