Weeding Out Duds in the Digital Era

Using apps for dating is finally so mainstream people don’t even think twice about it anymore, but how can you use best practices to be sure you aren’t wasting your time online. Online is a new way to meet people, but the dating is the same as it always was, follow these tips and meet yo’ match!

Carolyn says:

  1. Talk a little bit before you meet someone IRL. Getting a sense of them, (especially on the phone!), will tell you whether there’s a little bit of chemistry and can make you more invested in the meeting. Bringing your A game to the first date could certainly lead to a second!
  2. Don’t be afraid to say “no!” to profiles that definitely do not match what you are a looking for.
  3. Be real about who you are and what you want. Let yourself be you, the person you are looking for will see and love you for who you are. If you repel people you aren’t supposed to be with, good!

Becca says:

  1. Don’t have sex too soon – be clear about your intentions and boundaries and hold to it. So many people are online pretending to be serious when all they want is a one night stand.  If you’re seriously looking for someone serious- you’ll be able to tell how serious they are by watching if they’ll wait. 
  2. Treat finding your match like a job search. Date a lot. Be open to new types of people. Make a spreadsheet!  It’s not super sexy, but there are so many tools at your disposal that you could use to streamline your process. Make it an experiment, and take a little bit of the emotion out of it. The more you date the less rejection stings.
  3. Don’t let rejection derail you! Try not to make someone not calling you back about your self worth but more just about not being a “fit”. Think of how many awesome people you have met that you don’t want to marry. If someone treats you poorly, that is a reflection of them, keep it moving. 

Homework: Try these tips in your online dating life, obviously!

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See you next week for Nancy’s Q&A: “How do you survive life transitions- babies, moves, new jobs, etc.?”, and for our next full length episode: Good Connection, Bad Anything Else

XO Panty Kickers