Can You Change Someone?

We talk so much about changing ourselves, but can we use this same drive and energy to change someone else?

Carolyn says:

  1. People only change for themselves!
  2. You cannot change anyone, but you can change your response.
  3. After you’ve addressed an issue in your relationship several times, you must ask yourself – is this something I can deal with in my life?
  4. Be aware of modifying your own behavior to accommodate the bad behavior of your partner.

Becca says:

  1. In a positive, reciprocal relationship the goal should be for both people to change over time in a positive way.
  2. There are so many great people to be with in the world, it’s cruel to try to shame someone into changing for your love.
  3. Wanting someone to change is really more about you than it is about them.

HOMEWORK NEW YEARS CHEER ALERT!!  I haven’t made a New Year’s resolution I’ve stuck to in a while.  Let’s all think about one thing we want to change about ourselves in the new year, and actually take this pivotal moment to make that change!  Why worry about someone else when you can worry about yourself?!

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for Robyn’s Q&A: “Dear panty kickers, do you think sex is an exchange of energy?”, and for our next full-length episode: Can You Change Someone?

XO Panty Kickers