Q&A with Your Favorite Panty Kickers!

SHOW NOTES – Q&A 2, Season 1
Is it important for my family and friends to support my dream?

Carolyn says:

  1. Focus on who is in the “arena” with you doing battle, not those in the peanut gallery throwing stones.
  2. Seek out those who understand what you are doing.
  3. When your idea is a little seedling, nurture it and be careful who you share it with.

Becca says:

  1. Stay away from invalidators who will simply tear you down to make themselves feel better.
  2. Don’t forget you are responsible, your dream is beautiful but don’t over-rely on the resources of others to move you forward.
  3. Use the buddy system, find someone else who has the same or similar goals and align yourselves.

Quote Mention!!: Brene Brown:

Check her out!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s6DQrqVHxM

Book Mention!!: “Nasty People” by: Jay Carter H

BREAKING NEWS: We would LOVE to answer your questions!  Please DM us on FB or use the “write to us” button on our website, kickinthepanties.com


See you next week for Episode 3:

Limiting Beliefs (and how to change them!)

xoxo Carolyn and Becca