
SHOW NOTES – Episode 4, Season 1 – Willpower

Willpower can be the rocket fuel that makes attaining your goals possible, but how do you keep it up???B

Carolyn says:

  1. Willpower has a lot to do with the energy it takes to get something started.
  2. Try to get all of the new things you want to do done in the morning when your willpower is the strongest.
  3. Get excited about the results rather than dreading the process.

Becca says:

  1. Think about what you GET to do rather than what you HAVE to do.
  2. Don’t try to do too much at once, focus clearly on one thing you want to change. Pay attention to the one thing that keeps bothering you and start there.
  3. Do small things, one step at a time, to build confidence.
  4. Willpower is like a rubber band, the more you use it the more elastic it becomes.
  5. Focus on making permanent changes rather than short term things you can’t wait to not do anymore.

A couple more takeaways:

  1. Vision boards can be useful, but we prefer writing our goals down on a piece of paper and reading it every morning.
  2. Don’t drink shots of liquor out of every bottle in the liquor cabinet – you’ll definitely vomit!
  3. Making an emotional connection to what you’re doing is key to prioritizing your goals and using willpower to make progress.

Homework:  Think of a time you successfully employed willpower and a time where you failed.  What did these times have in common?  What was the differing factor that you could focus on to be successful in the future?

BREAKING NEWS: We are now available on STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Damn the man, throw your iPhone in the toilet!

See you next week for Q&A “What is the difference between willpower and discipline?”, and on March 4th for our next full length episode: Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

XO Panty Kickers