Real Life Romance

What is “real” life? We are so attached to our computers, phones, tablets, and TVs – are we living “real” life? Are we being present with our partners? And if not, are we allowing romance into our lives? The Panty Kickers help you find real life romance this week on Kick on the Panties, enjoy!

Carolyn says:

  1. Remember it’s all bullshit. Likes and comments on a pic you posted should not be your validation that somebody cares about you. It matters way more how they treat you in real life.
  2. Does this really matter to you or are you showing off for other people? Examining your own motivations is a really great first step to unplugging.
  3. Don’t over complicate something that can already be complicated, relationships are hard enough with out a layer of tech.

Becca says:

  1. The number one key to finding real life romance is to totally UNPLUG a few times a week and at least once a day. 
  2. Notice your surroundings, are you letting life pass you by with you nose in your phone?  If you’re single, are you missing possible connections in the world simply because you aren’t leaving yourself open to seeing them?
  3. In a marriage, keep the romance going by A) sharing your feelings, B) making sex happen, C) show your partner you care.

HOMEWORK: PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN! …after you listen to this 🙂

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for Devon’s Q&A: “Dear panty kickers I’ve been dating this guy for a few months but I don’t think it’s going anywhere. I want to break it off with him, but since we’ve only spent a short amount of time together do I owe him an explanation? I want to just ghost him but I hate when that happens to me! How do I end something that didn’t even begin? Help!! “, and for our next full-length episode: Boundaries

XO Panty Kickers