Q&A 10 – How can I shake up my daily routines?

SHOW NOTES – Q&A 10, Season 1
Paula writes: “Dear Panty Kickers, I’m a woman in my early forties who has a question about daily routine.  I figured out some solid routines in my 30s that really works for me, but lately have been feeling a little stale.  Do you have any advice on how to shake things up?  I don’t want to wake up in five or ten more years and still be in the same place, but I’m not necessarily motivated to do something different.” 

Carolyn says:

  1. Be like Carol’s Mom and start doing things for yourself as soon as possible.
  2. Trying new things can open you up to new experiences.
  3. Think about what you liked doing as a child, and add some of those things into your daily life.

Becca says:

  1. Go to places you don’t normally go, do your normal thing in a new environment.
  2. Travel far if you can but even spending time at other people’s homes and seeing how they live can give you new ideas about how to approach your life.
  3. Engage with those around you to get new ideas about your own existence.

We would LOVE to answer your questions!  Please DM us on FB or use the “write to us” button on our website, kickinthepanties.com


See you next week for a really exciting Episode 11 on Passive Aggression

xoxo Carolyn and Becca