Dating Your Reflection

Do we tend to choose partners who reflect upon us the image that we keep of ourselves? Does having self confidence ensure that you will pick a partner who respects and reveres you? If you feel like shit, will you pick a partner that treats you that way? The Panty Kickers go deep to figure out this important intersection of self thought and our connection with others.

Carolyn says:

  1. When you feel bad about yourself you tend to gravitate toward those who will verify those negative feelings.
  2. My ex wouldn’t get the time of day now that I feel better about myself!
  3. Look for where you’ve been responsible for what happens in your relationships. You are allowing

Becca says:

  1. When you’re in a shitty relationship its hard to see your way out, a little distance can give you perspective.
  2. Your beliefs about how relationships are may be making you a bad person to be with.
  3. Try dating someone outside of your regular circle. Understanding other cultures, views, and

Homework: Part 1: Examine your past relationships. Look where you were hurt early on, and ask yourself why you stayed. Part 2: Take 30 minutes and write down all your beliefs about yourself, men/women, relationships, dating and reasons why your past relationships have ended.

We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

See you next week for Taylor’s Q&A: “Dear Panty Kickers, I have a question for you, what makes you qualified to answer questions?”, and for our next full length episode: Resolving Past Hurts

XO Panty Kickers