Beware! Don’t Compare!

SHOW NOTES – Episode 1, Season 1 – Beware, Don’t Compare!
How is looking at what others do/have holding you back?

Carolyn says:

  1. Perception is reality – stick with how you felt when you put on your big, poofy dress before you went to the 1800’s club – don’t let the way others look take away from your initial feelings.
  2. If you let others make you feel bad, you won’t feel good enough to take action in your own life.
  3. Focus on what’s important to you. Do you even want what someone else has?
  4. Compare your current self to your old self as a way to show progress.

Becca says:

  1. Focus on what’s great about you.  You have wonderful qualities that belong to just you- what are those?  Can you be proud of what YOU have to offer?
  2. Stay away from social media when you’re feeling down.  Don’t put a stick in your hands with which to hit yourself!
  3. Hang out with people who are a couple steps ahead of you.  
  4. Use jealousy as a metal detector to find out what you really wish you were doing.

Book Mention!!: Jen Sincero “You Are A Badass”

Homework:  Think of someone you compare yourself too and do a deep dive into what their life is ACTUALLY like: Now, When they started, AND Along the way!  Remember, that you may be on the first page of a novel that someone else may have already finished. Don’t get discouraged, we all can finish in the end, in our own way.

BREAKING NEWS: We’ve decided to go weekly (despite what we said).

See you next week for Q&A, and on January 21st for our next full length episode: The Definition of Success

XO Panty Kickers